What Type of Training is Right for Me?
From weights to cycling, running, and yoga, the list of exercises that are a part of society today seems endlessly confusing. With so many sources telling you to “try this plan” or “follow this regime” it can easily become too overwhelming. Don’t give up yet, there are ways to sort through the gym lingo and discover what fits your style. As you search for the best training option, remember that every flavor of exercise can work for some and not for others, so be open to trying a variety of options.
Weight training, a style of anaerobic exercise, is not designated only for the crazy gym rats or body builders. Strength training is a key component of preventing aging and overall health decline. The two main categories included here are:
o Free weights, such as a bench press or dumbbells, are customizable and able to work a variety of muscles. You can push, pull, hold, twist, etc., but the drawback lies in the area of safety. Overloading or improper movements can lead to injury, especially in children or older adults.
o Machine weights, like a Smith machine or a Hammer Strength machine, are helpful to target specific muscles, but are not always the best fit for an individuals’ body type. They are adjustable and often can be set at incorrect angles thus preventing maximal use.
The moves specific to weight training are mainly categorized by static vs dynamic:
Static exercises involve attempting to hold a position or weight in one place for as long as possible. This is also called isokinetic exercises; an example of which would be a plank.
Dynamic exercises involve trying to move your body or a weight through a planned action such as a pull up or a dead-lift. There are two types of dynamic movements eccentric where you are controlling the downward motion/return of a weight to neutral (when you slowly go into a squat), and concentric where you are forcefully moving forward (when you push up on a bench press).
If you are a beginner, please consult a professional before lifting to avoid any injury.
The world of cardio, a form of aerobic exercise, has an emphasis on distance and endurance. Cycling, swimming, rowing, and running are the key areas that tend to be focused on in this category; though each has benefits, the choice between them is largely up to preference. Each style of cardio has its own specific lingo and ways to divide it up, but all tend to focus on the length of the activity.
Focusing more on the short term extremely dynamic cardio/weight mixed categories there are two main styles that are usually highlighted:
HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training where you work out hard for around 30 seconds and then take a break for 10 seconds before jumping into a new exercise for another 30 seconds. The time intervals are very flexible as well as the type of exercise. Usually the exercises flip between a cardio exercise and a more weight bearing activity.
SIT stands for Sprint Interval Training, which entails an even more rapid version of HIIT but is extremely useful to help athletes push and reach new levels of abilities. The time intervals are much shorter, but the effort is at an absolute maximum.
The benefits of the aforementioned exercise styles lie in their ability to make you work hard but for a much shorter period of time. A HIIT exercise for 20 minutes is roughly equal to the benefits of a 5-mile run.
Water aerobics, or any form of aquatic exercise, is a unique category as it has a natural resistive component from the water itself. Though our society tends to paint this as an “elderly activity”, its benefits to both train in weight and cardio, and protect from injury by increasing balance, make activities involving aquatics beneficial. This form of exercise can also be extremely useful for rehab or anyone with joint inflammation as the force of impact is significantly minimized.
Yoga, tai-chi, and martial arts are also in the blended category of weight and cardio styles coupled with static/dynamic combinations. Within each of these groups there is a large amount of variety, but universally they highlight the importance of breathing and concentration. Stretching, which can help release tension and increase movement, is a unique aspect of this style of exercise.
Modifications to exercises lie within the categories:
o Intensity— how hard/fast you work which can be measured by heart rate or subjective feelings.
o Level of resistance— the amount of weight or incline is used.
o Duration of activity— the length to which you chose to continue the exercise.
o Number of repetitions— how many times you preform the task consecutively.
o Style or exercise chosen— working your arms via cross fit or free weights.
Remember that each of these areas can increased or decreased based on the needs of the individual involved. Those needs can be specifically challenging in the face of injury as it can significantly limit the types of activities that can be performed. However, there are still opportunities for everyone to be active by focusing on the areas that are still healthy or lowering the impact toward the injured area. Balance issues can be overcome by performing weight training from a seated or reclined position. Injuries in the upper part of your body still allows you to work the lower section of your body and vice versa. After surgery be sure to ask your doctor and physical therapist the best activities to do and how to heal and support the injured area.
A word of caution when you start exercising— don’t try to do too much at once, it is a slow process. Keep in mind the 10% rule when increasing your reps/sets/weight— only increase by 10% every week. So, if you lift 40lbs the first week don’t try to jump to 50lbs the next, instead, add on slowly. Training and exercising is a lifestyle which if can be started at any age and promote a variety of benefits. Especially as we age a focus on exercise can help protect from fall-risks and provide the strength that will add functionality to everyday activities. Finally, don’t forget to have fun and try to push yourself— if one style isn’t as exciting, add in something new and continually push your limits.